These are just a few our latest pictures of Brennon and family from May until now.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wow guys look at this I have updated my blog yet agian! I am on a roll! This is Bren Bren's first easter! Mommy and Daddy actually bought this easter outfit the day we found out he was going to be a boy! And it actually fits, and i look so handsome it! I was such a happy boy on easter! I got to see my other cousin for the first time since I was just a teeny boy! I thiught he was so funny! We have the cutest video of him truly laughing! It is the funniest thing in the whole world! My Granmother was trying to get Hunter (his cousin) to smile so we could get a cute picture of them together, by making a duck sound and they both thought it was so funny! Anyway it was sucha wonderful day! We spent time together and with family! We had such a blessed day!
Hey guys! Happy Easter!
Mommy and Daddy on Easter!
OHHH, there goes the river of drool!
Ohhh, imagine that I have drool dripping off my chin!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ok guys here is the new and long awaited updated blog! Brennon is now 4 months old, he went the the doctor on Friday for his 4 month check up and shots. He is now 16lbs. 8oz! He is the happiest baby ever. He has more expressions than any baby I have ever seen! He is such a flirt! He loves to wake you up by laughing and talking at the top of his lungs at 7:30am every morning. He is the joy of our lives. We could not have been more lucky to have such a happy and healthy baby boy! I will fix the blog later some of the photos got deleted and big spaces. sorry guys!
7lbs. 1oz!
I started out loving my baths and still do!
I've got goop in my eyes!
Me and daddy! He is so proud!
Me and my cousin!
When I came out I didn't want to miss a thing, I stayed awake for hours!
My first day home, catch'n some zzzzz's!
My first day home with Pops.
One of my first baths at home!
I just wanted to say hey I'm here!
I was so little, and I love my cousin!
Such a sweet baby!
I'm so gangsta... can't you tell!
Sweet, Sleepy baby!
Ohhhh.. stretch it out!
Okay, just for clarification I am sitting in daddy's lap in a PARKED vehicle, notice no driver in the car next to us! By the way I love the sunroof!
This is going in my modeling portfolio!
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